
Regular activities

Memory Club

Second & Fourth Mondays, 2.30-4pm

The Stony Stratford Memory Club continues to thrive as a popular group for those with cognitive impairment or dementia. Carers have a break for 90 minutes. Held in our church hall accessed from the rear, on the opposite side of Tesco Extra’s car park – on 2nd and 4th Mondays each month from 2.30-4.00pm. Contact us to find out more.

Creative Threads

First Tuesday, 2-4pm
Third Tuesday, 7.30-9.30pm

Creative Threads is a sewing and patchwork group. We meet to learn and develop sewing, patchwork and quilting skills and are open to anyone with an interest in textiles. We often work together to make items to donate to charities in the UK, Uganda and Paraguay. Beginners are very welcome to come and join us. There is  £1 charge per session and materials can be provided to get started. Contact us to find out more.

Contact us

Mini Blessings

Wednesdays, 9.30 – 11am

Mini Blessings is a parent / carer and toddler group involving play time, a craft activity, story and song time. Refreshments are available.  Contact us to find out more.

Fellowship Tea

Third Wednesday, 3.30 – 5pm

A time where the elderly members of the community & church family can come together to chat with friends, enjoy a light tea of sandwiches and cake over a cup of tea, followed by a short devotion / thought for the day. Contact us to find out more.


Thursdays, 12.30 – 3pm

Around 30 people, ranging in age from twenties to nineties, attend each week for a substantial two course meal and to meet new friends and enjoy good conversation.

We start with a hymn, a short talk and a time to pray for those who may be in need or ill. After the meal we play board games or enjoy a chat. The cost is £1 towards the meal.  Contact us to find out more.

635 Club

Alternate Fridays, 6.35 – 7.35pm, September – May in term time.

635 Club is a time for children in school years 2 – 6 to enjoy games, quizzes, craft, songs and a Bible story. There is a 50p sub each week and the children get a drink and snack. Contact us to find out more.


Winter Night Shelter

December to March

We are part of a group of churches who work with Milton Keynes Winter Night Shelter to provide a safe place for homeless people to sleep during the cold winter nights. Our guests will have hot food, access to a shower and a warm, dry bed for the night.

To find out more, visit

We are not just about Sundays! At the heart of our church is a desire to connect with our local community. Some of our activities at church are to provide places for people to meet one another, whatever their age, others are out and about to encourage and bless people where they are, particularly our Sundays Out.


Community Events

The town holds several very popular annual events, including the Christmas Lights Switch-On day, the Riverside Fair and Big Lunch, to name a few! We participate in these events in various ways, such as giving out water or hot chocolate (depending on the time of year!), free hugs, chatting to people and offering to pray for them.
