Missional Communities
Church isn’t a place we go to – it’s who we are.

Missional Groups at SSCC
Our exploration of what missional communities might look like for us began a few years ago.
We recognise God’s call to us to be more intentional in loving him, loving one another, and loving those who don’t yet know him – a better balance of UP, IN and OUT.
We want to follow Jesus and live out God’s calling on our lives. To help one another be more like Jesus, seek God’s Kingdom together and to reach out to our community. We want to be a vibrant church family committed to sharing the life, love and light of Christ.
We started with two groups, and a third has begun since. Our aim is to grow and multiply. Contact us to find out more.

What We Do
Each group has different emphases, but have the following features in common:
Meeting regularly
Our groups are multi-generational, we share in food and fun, we worship and read God’s Word together, we support and encourage one another, and we pray. The whole group contributes to these different aspects rather than it being up to one or two leaders to do everything. We want everyone to bring, use and develop their gifts.
More than an event
Although we make a point of meeting together as a community each week, we are seeking to develop deeper connections with one another so that we share life – not just a meeting.
Missional practices
We aim to live our lives on mission and be disciples who make disciples. To do this we have adopted the “BELLS” practices outlined in Surprise the World by Michael Frost – “Bless others, Eat together, Listen to the Spirit, Learn Christ, and understand yourself as Sent by God into others’ lives”. We also pay attention to the “People of Peace” God connects us with and pray for them regularly.
Mission Projects
Each group organises its mission together in response to what God is calling them to do, and who the People of Peace are they are in touch with.

Our Missional Groups
Hope Group
Meets on a Sunday morning into the afternoon in homes. Mission projects include setting up a Hygiene Bank for MK and running Kintsugi Hope courses. The Sunday Group meets with the whole church community on the fourth Sunday morning each month
Connect Group
Our newest group, meets on Wednesday evenings in our church building. Mission projects include a monthly Souper Saturday event – providing time for people to meet and socialise over a bowl of good soup, and running Alpha courses.
Thursday Group
Meets on Thursday evenings at the homes of families in the group. Mission projects include running regular Messy Church events, monthly community football and family friendly activities, and cake drops for staff in the local schools.

Find Out More
If you’d like to find out more, please use this form.