The ALIVE Series

Explore life-changing encounters with the risen Jesus.

ALIVE is an opportunity to explore the life-changing implications of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You can journey alongside the first followers as they encountered Jesus after he’d risen from the dead, and discover how he met their deepest needs.

More importantly, how he can meet yours.

Imagine how much richer your life would be if:

  • instead of living with a sense of rejection, insecurity or a lack of self-worth, you knew at a deep level what it was to be completely and unconditionally loved.

  • instead of being weighed down by past disappointments, you were filled with a new sense of hope.

  • instead of feeling overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, you experienced a tremendous sense of peace.

  • instead of being burdened by guilt, shame and failure, you enjoyed a new sense of freedom.

  • instead of living without a real and clear sense of meaning, you found and fulfilled your true life purpose.

You can begin your own ALIVE journey by coming along on Sundays and/or one of our small groups that is running the course.


We’ll be exploring the ALIVE themes in our Sunday Morning services, starting at 10.15am at our church building. There will be activities for children and our young people will be looking at the ALIVE Encounters series designed for them. To find out what to expect at our services - please see this page.

  • 31st March - Easter Sunday Celebration service and ALIVE launch on Horsefair Green (indoors if wet)

  • 7th April - “Transformed by Love”

  • 21st April - “Surprised by Hope”

  • 5th May - “Filled with Peace”

  • 19th May - “Living in Freedom”

  • 2nd June - “Fulfilling Our Purpose”

Small Groups

To get the most out of the ALIVE series we suggest joining in with a small group that will be exploring the themes. These 5 sessions will include watching an ALIVE video on that week’s theme and then time to explore what it means together.

Groups running this series meet as follows…

  • Tuesday, 3pm

  • Tuesday, 7pm

  • Wednesday, 7.30pm

  • Thursday, 10am (ladies’ group)

  • Thursday, 5.30pm (includes a meal)

Please get in touch using the form below if you would like to join one of the groups, or if you’d like to come along but can’t make any of these times!


Destiny Africa Children’s Concert


Easter Events 2024